Monday, August 22, 2011

Inequality Grows As Poor, Ignorant Atheists Swamp US

Fascinating, though I'm skeptical:

Inequality Grows As Poor, Ignorant Atheists Swamp US | Via Meadia: The stereotype, held apparently by none other than the President of the United States, is that religious people are less educated and less affluent than cosmopolitan and sophisticated seculars. The bitter clingers handle snakes, guns and Bibles in West Virginia; the seculars discuss literature and economics at swank parties in Georgetown.

In fact, some recent research reveals, it is almost the other way round. According to the American Sociological Association, the uneducated and the poor (often of course the same people) are dropping God like a hot brick; the ‘bitter clingers’ are increasingly better educated and more affluent than the unchurched.

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