Friday, October 27, 2006

Christianity Lawsuit Against the U.S. Air Force Academy Dismissed


A federal judge on Friday threw out a lawsuit against the Air Force Academy that claimed evangelical Christian values were being illegally pushed on cadets.

The academy's critics said the decision by senior U.S. District Judge James A. Parker in Albuquerque, N.M., would likely be appealed.

The high-profile case was brought by a group of Air Force Academy graduates who charged that a military chaplain violated their religious freedom rights by urging cadets to attend Christian services or face being burned "in the fires of hell." That incident reflected a broader policy, the group charged, of efforts to evangelize U.S. Air Force staff.

But Parker, in a 16-page decision, said the graduates could not claim their First Amendment rights were violated since they no longer attended the Academy. Moreover, the group failed to give specific examples of which cadets were harmed, or when. Read More.

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