Tuesday, September 05, 2006

All's Not Well at Harvard

During the whole President Summers fiasco at Harvard and the subsequent book by two professors on the control of the US government by the Jewish lobby, I thought, something is not right here. Harvard seems to have have slipped academically. I know from a professor I had at Fuller Seminary, who had previously taught at Princeton, that Princeton's academics are not what they used to be. He told me that Fuller required more work in a ten week quarter than Princeton did in a fifteen week semester (this workload was what the administration at Fuller required the professors to assign.) This article delves into some of the details of the end of Harvard as a prestigious university.

has been much in the public eye in recent
years, especially during the brief but eventful presidency (2001-2006) of
Lawrence Summers. Two well-known law professors were accused of misusing the
words of others in books they had written, and a famous professor of economics
was charged by the U.S. government with fraud while working on a Harvard
project. In the first case, a university committee decided that the acts fell
short of plagiarism but amounted to a scholarly transgression, and the
professors were compelled to apologize. In the second, the university took no
action against the professor involved, but the government won its case and
Harvard had to repay $26.5 million. Read More.

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