This is a really interesting article:
13 Nutrition Lies That Made The World Sick And Fat - Business Insider: "Nutrition is full of all kinds of nonsense.
The worst examples are listed here, but unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Here are the top 13 nutrition lies that have made the world both sick and fat."
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A blog concerning Christianity, the Church, Politics, Current Events, and anything else that strikes my fancy!

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
More Good News: Already Sluggish Economy Is ‘Losing Steam’
The PJ Tatler » More Good News: Already Sluggish Economy Is ‘Losing Steam’: "U.S. manufacturing output barely rose in September and contracts to buy previously owned homes recorded their largest drop in nearly 3-1/2 years, the latest signs the economy’s momentum ebbed as the third quarter ended.
The reports on Monday showed economic activity was on weak footing even before a 16-day partial shutdown of the U.S. federal government early in October that is expected to weigh on fourth quarter growth."
The PJ Tatler » More Good News: Already Sluggish Economy Is ‘Losing Steam’: "U.S. manufacturing output barely rose in September and contracts to buy previously owned homes recorded their largest drop in nearly 3-1/2 years, the latest signs the economy’s momentum ebbed as the third quarter ended.
The reports on Monday showed economic activity was on weak footing even before a 16-day partial shutdown of the U.S. federal government early in October that is expected to weigh on fourth quarter growth."
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
No Reason, Just Hate: That’s a Modern Liberal
I see this all the time, lots of emotionalism but very little rational discourse:
No Reason, Just Hate: That’s a Modern Liberal | Power Line: "The Left’s hatred for conservatives has become so obsessive that it is hard to engage a liberal in rational discussion of any public policy issue. Take the Keystone XL pipeline: I think it is obviously a good idea, but if a liberal wants to argue to the contrary, fine. But instead of trying to advance a rational argument, what do liberals do? They can’t talk about the pipeline except by trotting out their own pet obsessions."
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No Reason, Just Hate: That’s a Modern Liberal | Power Line: "The Left’s hatred for conservatives has become so obsessive that it is hard to engage a liberal in rational discussion of any public policy issue. Take the Keystone XL pipeline: I think it is obviously a good idea, but if a liberal wants to argue to the contrary, fine. But instead of trying to advance a rational argument, what do liberals do? They can’t talk about the pipeline except by trotting out their own pet obsessions."
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Monday, October 21, 2013
Niall Ferguson's Public Flogging Of Paul Krugman
This is a really good synopsis of Ferguson's destroying Krugman's economic theories:
Much Bigger Than The Shutdown: Niall Ferguson's Public Flogging Of Paul Krugman - Forbes: "While America was distracted by the theatrics of the government shutdown and threat of default something of much greater importance occurred. Niall Ferguson undertook a public flogging of Paul Krugman.
Krugman’s horns now forever will show under his dislodged faux halo. For this the world will prove a safer, and much more decent, place."
Much Bigger Than The Shutdown: Niall Ferguson's Public Flogging Of Paul Krugman - Forbes: "While America was distracted by the theatrics of the government shutdown and threat of default something of much greater importance occurred. Niall Ferguson undertook a public flogging of Paul Krugman.
Krugman’s horns now forever will show under his dislodged faux halo. For this the world will prove a safer, and much more decent, place."
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The painful story behind modern anesthesia
Fascinating, and am I grateful for anesthesia:
The painful story behind modern anesthesia: "One of the truly great moments in the long history of medicine occurred on a tense fall morning in the surgical amphitheater of Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital."
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The painful story behind modern anesthesia: "One of the truly great moments in the long history of medicine occurred on a tense fall morning in the surgical amphitheater of Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital."
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Saturday, October 19, 2013
God and Suffering - Religion/Philosophy - Prager University
Very interesting:
God and Suffering - Religion/Philosophy - Prager University: "How can one square a world full of unjust suffering and a good God? Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, has a compelling and surprising answer."
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God and Suffering - Religion/Philosophy - Prager University: "How can one square a world full of unjust suffering and a good God? Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, has a compelling and surprising answer."
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Friday, October 18, 2013
Remembering America
Read the whole thing:
Roger’s Rules » Remembering America: "Witnessing the unedifying spectacle put on by our masters in Washington this last week or so, we could only shake our heads sadly. And when we contemplated the action of ordinary citizens — those vets who disassembled the “Barrycades” erected in front of national monuments by a punitive Obama administration — we couldn’t help wondering whether the country was teetering towards a pre-revolutionary state."
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Roger’s Rules » Remembering America: "Witnessing the unedifying spectacle put on by our masters in Washington this last week or so, we could only shake our heads sadly. And when we contemplated the action of ordinary citizens — those vets who disassembled the “Barrycades” erected in front of national monuments by a punitive Obama administration — we couldn’t help wondering whether the country was teetering towards a pre-revolutionary state."
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Thursday, October 17, 2013
Eureka! Tea partiers know science
Not surprising:
Eureka! Tea partiers know science - Tal Kopan - "A finding in a study on the relationship between science literacy and political ideology surprised the Yale professor behind it: Tea party members know more science than non-tea partiers."
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Eureka! Tea partiers know science - Tal Kopan - "A finding in a study on the relationship between science literacy and political ideology surprised the Yale professor behind it: Tea party members know more science than non-tea partiers."
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013
10 Incredible GIFs Showing How Aging Changes Our Appearance
10 Incredible GIFs Showing How Aging Changes Our Appearance | Fstoppers: "It’s always amazing to see childhood photos of old people you know and see how they looked when they were our age (or younger). Sometimes they look almost identical, sometimes they look like 2 different people."
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10 Incredible GIFs Showing How Aging Changes Our Appearance | Fstoppers: "It’s always amazing to see childhood photos of old people you know and see how they looked when they were our age (or younger). Sometimes they look almost identical, sometimes they look like 2 different people."
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Monday, October 14, 2013
How bacteria in your gut affect your mental health
How bacteria in your gut affect your mental health - Technology & Science - CBC News: "Scientists searching for the underlying causes of mental illness have discovered a surprising contributor — it appears the bacteria that live in your gut may play a major role in your mental health and well-being."
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How bacteria in your gut affect your mental health - Technology & Science - CBC News: "Scientists searching for the underlying causes of mental illness have discovered a surprising contributor — it appears the bacteria that live in your gut may play a major role in your mental health and well-being."
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Friday, October 11, 2013
What an Antarctic Expedition Can Teach You About What’s Truly Valuable
What is truly valuable?
What They Left and What They Kept: What an Antarctic Expedition Can Teach You About What’s Truly Valuable | The Art of Manliness: "Shackleton’s men were faced with a series of heart-wrenching choices. Given the scant two-pound allowance, which of their cherished personal possessions should they keep, and which should they cast aside into what Shackleton called “the privacy of these white graves”?
Taking inventory of what the members of the Endurance expedition decided to keep and what they left behind can teach us much about what is truly valuable — not only literally, in terms of material possessions — but as broader symbols of what matters most in life for all of us."
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What They Left and What They Kept: What an Antarctic Expedition Can Teach You About What’s Truly Valuable | The Art of Manliness: "Shackleton’s men were faced with a series of heart-wrenching choices. Given the scant two-pound allowance, which of their cherished personal possessions should they keep, and which should they cast aside into what Shackleton called “the privacy of these white graves”?
Taking inventory of what the members of the Endurance expedition decided to keep and what they left behind can teach us much about what is truly valuable — not only literally, in terms of material possessions — but as broader symbols of what matters most in life for all of us."
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Thursday, October 10, 2013
Obama Fails To Practice His Preaching On Civility During Shutdown
Our great leader:
Obama Fails To Practice His Preaching On Civility During Shutdown - "Leadership: Remember when President Obama was showered with kudos for his 2011 speech calling for "more civility in our public discourse"? He sure isn't practicing today what he preached then."
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Obama Fails To Practice His Preaching On Civility During Shutdown - "Leadership: Remember when President Obama was showered with kudos for his 2011 speech calling for "more civility in our public discourse"? He sure isn't practicing today what he preached then."
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Wednesday, October 09, 2013
SpiteHouse: National Park goons remove handles from trail water fountains
If they keep this up no one is going to like or believe them on anything. It's also why Obama's approval is down to 37%:
Marathon Pundit: SpiteHouse: National Park goons remove handles from trail water fountains: "It what looks like a spiteful move, the NPS even removed handles from water spigots along the Chesapeake and Ohio canal where bikers and joggers exercise as well as along the Great Allegheny Passage, just to ensure people don't get any water from them. "
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Marathon Pundit: SpiteHouse: National Park goons remove handles from trail water fountains: "It what looks like a spiteful move, the NPS even removed handles from water spigots along the Chesapeake and Ohio canal where bikers and joggers exercise as well as along the Great Allegheny Passage, just to ensure people don't get any water from them. "
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Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Police Officers Three Times More Likely to Murder Than Concealed Carry Permit Holders
This is interesting:
Police Officers Three Times More Likely to Murder Than Concealed Carry Permit Holders: "The question arose, how often do police officers commit homicide compared to concealed carry permit holders? Of the two, which is more common?
It appears that a person is three times safer with a concealed carry permit holder than they are with a police officer."
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Police Officers Three Times More Likely to Murder Than Concealed Carry Permit Holders: "The question arose, how often do police officers commit homicide compared to concealed carry permit holders? Of the two, which is more common?
It appears that a person is three times safer with a concealed carry permit holder than they are with a police officer."
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Why ‘Progressives’ Always Get Tech Wrong
Excellent article on why progressives are so out of date:
Ed Driscoll » Why ‘Progressives’ Always Get Tech Wrong: "“There are two Americas, all right, Glenn Reynolds notes in his latest USA Today column. “There’s one that works — where new and creative things happen, where mistakes are corrected, and where excellence is rewarded. Then there’s Washington, where everything is pretty much the opposite:”"
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Ed Driscoll » Why ‘Progressives’ Always Get Tech Wrong: "“There are two Americas, all right, Glenn Reynolds notes in his latest USA Today column. “There’s one that works — where new and creative things happen, where mistakes are corrected, and where excellence is rewarded. Then there’s Washington, where everything is pretty much the opposite:”"
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Monday, October 07, 2013
Should Christian Parents Send their Children to Public Schools?
This article concerns Albert Mohler and his question concerning Christians; Is is ok for Christian parents to send their children to public schools? I'm beginning to say no.
PJ Lifestyle » Should Christian Parents Send their Children to Public Schools?: Mohler blames the loss of local control for much of the “backlash against the public schools.” In earlier generations, “the public schools were public in the sense that they were community schools maintained for and by the citizens of a community. Local control was axiomatic, and parents had a direct influence in the curriculum and policies of the schools.”
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PJ Lifestyle » Should Christian Parents Send their Children to Public Schools?: Mohler blames the loss of local control for much of the “backlash against the public schools.” In earlier generations, “the public schools were public in the sense that they were community schools maintained for and by the citizens of a community. Local control was axiomatic, and parents had a direct influence in the curriculum and policies of the schools.”
All of that began to change with the influence of the progressive agenda, though it took decades to fully emerge. But, Mohler says, “the last half of the twentieth century saw the public schools radically transformed in the vast majority of communities.” Supreme Court decisions “secularized the schools in a way that separated the schools from their communities and families.” Mohler notes that the “evil of racial segregation was rightly ended,” but court-ordered school busing destroyed the sense of community.
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Sunday, October 06, 2013
Amazing Civil War photographs
Amazing Civil War photographs created by colorist bring the era's heroes and characters to life in full color for the first time | Mail Online: "Two professional colorists have combined their skills with photographs and fascination with the American Civil War to create a remarkable series of color photographs from the era. "
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