Mickey Kaus is now blogging over at the Daily Caller. He's always interesting:
KausFiles | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
A blog concerning Christianity, the Church, Politics, Current Events, and anything else that strikes my fancy!

Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
1940 Chevrolet Coupe
Just talking with my dad and he was telling me about the 40 Chevrolet he bought in 1942. He paid $600.00 for it then and later sold it in 1944 for $900.00.
AWOL Dems defy ballot box
AWOL Dems defy ballot box | detnews.com | The Detroit News: "American-style democracy holds together because no matter how nasty the political game gets, the players honor a few inviolable rules. We obey the laws, even the ones we disagree with. We respect the ballot box. And after even the most bitterly contested election, the loser accepts the results, works within the system and awaits another chance to prevail with voters."
AWOL Dems defy ballot box | detnews.com | The Detroit News: "American-style democracy holds together because no matter how nasty the political game gets, the players honor a few inviolable rules. We obey the laws, even the ones we disagree with. We respect the ballot box. And after even the most bitterly contested election, the loser accepts the results, works within the system and awaits another chance to prevail with voters."
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Shocking mug shots reveal toll of addiction
Shocking mug shots reveal toll of addiction - Health - Addictions - msnbc.com: "With disturbing before and after photos of drug users’ faces, a new anti-drug campaign may succeed where others have failed, grabbing teens’ attentions by appealing to their vanity."
Shocking mug shots reveal toll of addiction - Health - Addictions - msnbc.com: "With disturbing before and after photos of drug users’ faces, a new anti-drug campaign may succeed where others have failed, grabbing teens’ attentions by appealing to their vanity."
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wisconsin Unions vs. The Tea Party: A Classic Double Standard - WSJ.com
And of course most of the reporters are union members:
Wisconsin Unions vs. The Tea Party: A Classic Double Standard - WSJ.com: "Loud protests by Wisconsin public employee unions against a budget reform proposal from new Governor Scott Walker have drawn considerable national network news attention since Thursday, the day Democratic state senators fled the state in a last-ditch gambit to prevent the bill from becoming law. A story-by-story analysis by the Media Research Center shows the Wisconsin protests are a perfect case study in the media's longstanding double standard favoring left-wing causes while demonstrating much more hostility to the Tea Party and conservative protests.
Last March, as thousands protested on Capitol Hill in the days before the passage of ObamaCare, CBS's Nancy Cordes slammed it as "a weekend filled with incivility," while World News anchor Diane Sawyer painted the Tea Party as a violent gang, with "protesters roaming Washington, some of them increasingly emotional, yelling slurs and epithets." In August 2009, ABC anchor Charles Gibson complained how "protesters brought pictures of President Obama with a Hitler-style mustache to a town hall meeting," failing to mention that the signs were produced by Lyndon LaRouche's wacky fringe movement, not the Tea Party or conservatives."
Wisconsin Unions vs. The Tea Party: A Classic Double Standard - WSJ.com: "Loud protests by Wisconsin public employee unions against a budget reform proposal from new Governor Scott Walker have drawn considerable national network news attention since Thursday, the day Democratic state senators fled the state in a last-ditch gambit to prevent the bill from becoming law. A story-by-story analysis by the Media Research Center shows the Wisconsin protests are a perfect case study in the media's longstanding double standard favoring left-wing causes while demonstrating much more hostility to the Tea Party and conservative protests.
Last March, as thousands protested on Capitol Hill in the days before the passage of ObamaCare, CBS's Nancy Cordes slammed it as "a weekend filled with incivility," while World News anchor Diane Sawyer painted the Tea Party as a violent gang, with "protesters roaming Washington, some of them increasingly emotional, yelling slurs and epithets." In August 2009, ABC anchor Charles Gibson complained how "protesters brought pictures of President Obama with a Hitler-style mustache to a town hall meeting," failing to mention that the signs were produced by Lyndon LaRouche's wacky fringe movement, not the Tea Party or conservatives."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Public Unions Must Go
Public Unions Must Go - Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online: "The protesting public-school teachers with fake doctor’s notes swarming the capitol building in Madison, Wis., insist that Gov. Scott Walker is hell-bent on “union busting.” Walker denies that his effort to reform public-sector unions in Wisconsin is anything more than an honest attempt at balancing the state’s books.
I hope the protesters are right. Public unions have been a 50-year mistake."
Public Unions Must Go - Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online: "The protesting public-school teachers with fake doctor’s notes swarming the capitol building in Madison, Wis., insist that Gov. Scott Walker is hell-bent on “union busting.” Walker denies that his effort to reform public-sector unions in Wisconsin is anything more than an honest attempt at balancing the state’s books.
I hope the protesters are right. Public unions have been a 50-year mistake."
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Renewing a right spirit
Sermon on 2-13-11
Step 1 for spiritual renewal is:
Our spirit is in constant need of fellowship with God for personal renewal.
When we compromise that fellowship with Him, when we neglect our spiritual life, the weeds of sin come in and choke out the beauty God planted there.
When we're weak and tired, sin goes unchecked and our spirit goes unfed. That gives our human nature the opportunity to corrupt and weaken the spirit.
We can learn about the power of sin to hinder our spirits through the life of David in Psalm 51:10-12.
Click title for the rest:
Step 1 for spiritual renewal is:
Our spirit is in constant need of fellowship with God for personal renewal.
When we compromise that fellowship with Him, when we neglect our spiritual life, the weeds of sin come in and choke out the beauty God planted there.
When we're weak and tired, sin goes unchecked and our spirit goes unfed. That gives our human nature the opportunity to corrupt and weaken the spirit.
We can learn about the power of sin to hinder our spirits through the life of David in Psalm 51:10-12.
Click title for the rest:
The White Rose: An Anniversary of Three Executions
Pajamas Media » The White Rose: An Anniversary of Three Executions: "Today marks an anniversary of true bravery for the cause of liberty. On February 22, 1943, Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and Christoph Probst were executed by guillotine in Munich, Germany. Their crimes? Anonymously distributing leaflets criticizing the German government at the University of Munich. They were members of the White Rose, an underground student group that should inspire every American who loves the cause of liberty."
Pajamas Media » The White Rose: An Anniversary of Three Executions: "Today marks an anniversary of true bravery for the cause of liberty. On February 22, 1943, Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and Christoph Probst were executed by guillotine in Munich, Germany. Their crimes? Anonymously distributing leaflets criticizing the German government at the University of Munich. They were members of the White Rose, an underground student group that should inspire every American who loves the cause of liberty."
The Claremont Institute - Our Kind of Guy
Very interesting:
The Claremont Institute - Our Kind of Guy: "'He's our kind of guy,' Barack Obama said of Timothy Geithner, according to Jonathan Alter's new book, The Promise. What kind of guy is that? The answer says a lot about our president and his administration."
The Claremont Institute - Our Kind of Guy: "'He's our kind of guy,' Barack Obama said of Timothy Geithner, according to Jonathan Alter's new book, The Promise. What kind of guy is that? The answer says a lot about our president and his administration."
The PJ Tatler » Danger, Will Robinson, danger!
Not good:
The PJ Tatler » Danger, Will Robinson, danger!: "Business Insider reports that computer chip inventories are at near-record highs, a sign that businesses and consumers are cutting back on tech purchases.
Get ready to ride an economic roller coaster called The Double Dip."
The PJ Tatler » Danger, Will Robinson, danger!: "Business Insider reports that computer chip inventories are at near-record highs, a sign that businesses and consumers are cutting back on tech purchases.
Get ready to ride an economic roller coaster called The Double Dip."
Monday, February 21, 2011
Cables show China used debt holdings to press US
Not surprising:
Cables show China used debt holdings to press US: "Leaked diplomatic cables vividly show China's willingness to translate its massive holdings of US debt into political influence on issues ranging from Taiwan's sovereignty to Washington's financial policy."
Cables show China used debt holdings to press US: "Leaked diplomatic cables vividly show China's willingness to translate its massive holdings of US debt into political influence on issues ranging from Taiwan's sovereignty to Washington's financial policy."
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Libya Protests: Benghazi 'Liberated' By Soldiers As They Defect From Gaddafi's Forces
Libya Protests: Benghazi 'Liberated' By Soldiers As They Defect From Gaddafi's Forces | World News | Sky News: "Anti-government protests are taking place in Libya's capital Tripoli for the first time since the uprising against leader Colonel Gaddafi began."
Libya Protests: Benghazi 'Liberated' By Soldiers As They Defect From Gaddafi's Forces | World News | Sky News: "Anti-government protests are taking place in Libya's capital Tripoli for the first time since the uprising against leader Colonel Gaddafi began."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The "Badger 14": Escape From Wisconsin
The "Badger 14": Escape From Wisconsin: "A blog about why and how the 'Badger 14' — the Wisconsin senators who vacated their seats and fled the state — should be replaced with new senators"
The "Badger 14": Escape From Wisconsin: "A blog about why and how the 'Badger 14' — the Wisconsin senators who vacated their seats and fled the state — should be replaced with new senators"
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Watson Jeopardy! computer: Ken Jennings describes what it's like to play against a machine.
Watson Jeopardy! computer: Ken Jennings describes what it's like to play against a machine. - By Ken Jennings - Slate Magazine: "Jeopardy! genius Ken Jennings on what it's like to play against a supercomputer."
Watson Jeopardy! computer: Ken Jennings describes what it's like to play against a machine. - By Ken Jennings - Slate Magazine: "Jeopardy! genius Ken Jennings on what it's like to play against a supercomputer."
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Hayek’s Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts in a Recession
Very interesting:
Hayek’s Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts in a Recession | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.: "With a little help from public choice theorists, here are the 10 Hayekian insights for trying economic times:"
Hayek’s Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts in a Recession | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.: "With a little help from public choice theorists, here are the 10 Hayekian insights for trying economic times:"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Obama’s Spending Spree: By the Numbers - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online
It's bad:
Obama’s Spending Spree: By the Numbers - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online: "Here is President Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2012 (and outlook through 2021). And here is a look at some of the numbers that stand out:"
Obama’s Spending Spree: By the Numbers - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online: "Here is President Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2012 (and outlook through 2021). And here is a look at some of the numbers that stand out:"
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fructose Alters Brain Metabolism
In other words, fructose= bad.
FuturePundit: Fructose Alters Brain Metabolism: "The dietary concerns of too much fructose is well documented. High-fructose corn syrup has become the sweetener most commonly added to processed foods. Many dietary experts believe this increase directly correlates to the nation's growing obesity epidemic. Now, new research at Oregon Health & Science University demonstrates that the brain – which serves as a master control for body weight – reacts differently to fructose compared with another common sweetener, glucose. The research is published in the online edition of the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism and will appear in the March print edition.
In humans the cortical brain control areas of the brain were inhibited by the influx of fructose."
FuturePundit: Fructose Alters Brain Metabolism: "The dietary concerns of too much fructose is well documented. High-fructose corn syrup has become the sweetener most commonly added to processed foods. Many dietary experts believe this increase directly correlates to the nation's growing obesity epidemic. Now, new research at Oregon Health & Science University demonstrates that the brain – which serves as a master control for body weight – reacts differently to fructose compared with another common sweetener, glucose. The research is published in the online edition of the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism and will appear in the March print edition.
In humans the cortical brain control areas of the brain were inhibited by the influx of fructose."
America, poised for a hyperinflationary event?
I hope not, but it is concerning:
America, poised for a hyperinflationary event? - Michael Pollaro - The Contrarian Take - Forbes: "It is a long standing proposition of many, supported on both theoretical and historical grounds, that one of the surest roads to hyperinflation is one grounded in a government whose answer to every economic and social problem is to borrow and spend the problem away, supported by central bank able, willing and ready to finance the effort. That support is of course to simply print the money through which to buy the debt so issued by the government – what is euphemistically called monetizing the debt – thereby exploding the supply of money and eventually trashing its value."
America, poised for a hyperinflationary event? - Michael Pollaro - The Contrarian Take - Forbes: "It is a long standing proposition of many, supported on both theoretical and historical grounds, that one of the surest roads to hyperinflation is one grounded in a government whose answer to every economic and social problem is to borrow and spend the problem away, supported by central bank able, willing and ready to finance the effort. That support is of course to simply print the money through which to buy the debt so issued by the government – what is euphemistically called monetizing the debt – thereby exploding the supply of money and eventually trashing its value."
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
America's Most Miserable Cities
Ouch. HT: Glenn
America's Most Miserable Cities - Forbes.com: "California has never looked less golden, with eight of its cities making the top 20 on our annual list."
America's Most Miserable Cities - Forbes.com: "California has never looked less golden, with eight of its cities making the top 20 on our annual list."
Sunday, February 06, 2011
A reversal on carbs - Los Angeles Times
Apparently not all calories are equal:
A reversal on carbs - Los Angeles Times
A reversal on carbs - Los Angeles Times
Most people can count calories. Many have a clue about where fat lurks in their diets. However, fewer give carbohydrates much thought, or know why they should.
But a growing number of top nutritional scientists blame excessive carbohydrates — not fat — for America's ills. They say cutting carbohydrates is the key to reversing obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Republican senators demand spending cuts of 'no less' than $100 billion
Republican senators demand spending cuts of 'no less' than $100 billion - The Hill's On The Money: "Nearly a dozen Republican senators sent a letter on Friday urging the House to make at least $100 billion in spending cuts this year.
In a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Republican senators said the American people expect that level of spending reductions from the new GOP majority."
Republican senators demand spending cuts of 'no less' than $100 billion - The Hill's On The Money: "Nearly a dozen Republican senators sent a letter on Friday urging the House to make at least $100 billion in spending cuts this year.
In a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Republican senators said the American people expect that level of spending reductions from the new GOP majority."
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Lone Nepali Soldier Defends Potential Rape Victim Against 40 Men
Don't mess with a Gurkha:
Lone Nepali Soldier Defends Potential Rape Victim Against 40 Men: "He pulls out a kukri (i.e. a knife) and proceeds to kill 3 of them, injure 8 of them, and causes the rest to flee. During the battle, he suffered a severe knife injury to his left hand, from which he's now recovered."
Lone Nepali Soldier Defends Potential Rape Victim Against 40 Men: "He pulls out a kukri (i.e. a knife) and proceeds to kill 3 of them, injure 8 of them, and causes the rest to flee. During the battle, he suffered a severe knife injury to his left hand, from which he's now recovered."
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