Monday, August 03, 2009

Merkley hits the trifecta at Madras town hall: Teabaggers, Birthers and Deathers.

I would say some of the blue staters are beginning to get worried.  The tea baggers have taken there play book and turned it on them.  The one thing that I do find disturbing is this birther trend.  I am anti conspiracy whether on the right or left.

Merkley hits the trifecta at Madras town hall: Teabaggers, Birthers and Deathers.
If I were to read this Bend Bulletin story about Jeff Merkley's Sunday town hall meeting in Madras, I'd probably think it was a benign, polite affair with a few tough questions from a receptive audience.

Apparently, this was not the case. Not even close.

I'd began receiving email tips Sunday evening and into Monday morning that the event had been infiltrated by teabaggers, in an effort to disrupt in the way they've been doing around the country.

Based a memo revealed last Friday by Think Progress, the teabaggers were handed their marching orders and told to:

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