Thursday, December 12, 2019

Hey GOG!

Sup, stink.

Still working!

Maybe I'll update the blog occasionally.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

LBJ: I'll have those ni**ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.

Read the whole thing:

LBJ: I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. | Allen B. West -

The problem with today’s Republican Party is that it has forgotten its own history and raison d’ etre: individual liberty. The Party must come to realize that GOP also stands for “Growth, Opportunity, Prosperity” and articulate how it stands, as its history and founding clearly demonstrate, for the individual pursuit of happiness as opposed to the progressive socialist (Democrat) lie of a collective guarantee of happiness.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Rise of Secular Religion

The Rise of Secular Religion - The American Interest:

Fascinating article:

Today’s American liberalism, it is often remarked, amounts to a
secular religion: it has its own sacred texts and taboos, Crusades and
Inquisitions. The political correctness that undergirds it, meanwhile,
can be traced back to the past century’s liberal Protestantism.
Conservatives, of course, routinely scoff that liberals’ ersatz religion
is inferior to the genuine article.

Joseph Bottum, by contrast, examines post-Protestant secular religion
with empathy, and contends that it gained force and staying power by
recasting the old Mainline Protestantism in the form of catechistic
worldly categories: anti-racism, anti-gender discrimination,
anti-inequality, and so forth. What sustains the heirs of the
now-defunct Protestant consensus, he concludes, is a sense of the
sacred, but one that seeks the security of personal salvation through
assuming the right stance on social and political issues. Precisely
because the new secular religion permeates into the pores of everyday
life, it sustains the certitude of salvation and a self-perpetuating
spiritual aura. Secularism has succeeded on religious terms. That is an
uncommon way of understanding the issue, and a powerful one.

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Monday, January 13, 2014

How I Rediscovered Faith

Great article on the renewed understanding of the Spiritual nature of Christianity:

How I Rediscovered Faith | RELEVANT Magazine: "What I understand now is that I was one of those people who did not appreciate the weapons of the spirit. I have always been someone attracted to the quantifiable and the physical."

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How a Small Force of Finnish Ski Troops Fought Off a Massive Soviet Army

Great story:

How a Small Force of Finnish Ski Troops Fought Off a Massive Soviet Army — War is Boring — Medium:On Nov. 30, 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Finland with more than 400,000 troops. The assault was almost three times larger than the Allied landing at Normandy. Soviet Leningrad, a city of five million, by itself contained more people than the entire country of Finland. As the world’s largest infantry force, the Red Army marched across the border with resolve. It looked like a decisive victory for Stalin.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Women of the Reich: Wendy Lower’s “Hitler’s Furies” |

I did not know about this:

The Women of the Reich: Wendy Lower’s “Hitler’s Furies” |:  Jewish survivors have consistently described German women in the Nazi East as violent tormenters, not innocent bystanders. Recounting horrific acts, however, proved far easier than naming the perpetrators. Often their names were never known by their victims, while others married after the war and changed their surnames. As for the women themselves, these witnesses, pillagers, tormenters, and murderesses kept quiet for reasons other than accountability; they had good memories of Germany’s seemingly limitless future, and their ambitious roles within it.

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Juan Williams: Forget the War on Christmas …

Read the whole thing:

Juan Williams: Forget the War on Christmas … « Hot Air:  Every year, we see the same cultural sniping about the expression of Christian faith during the Christmas season, ranging from the ridiculous to the, er, more ridiculous.  The arguments are worth debating and the traditions worth defending, but they tend to obscure a more critical war — and one that is actually a warJuan Williams argued this week:

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Calling attention to slaughter of white farmers in South Africa is racist

Race relations are not doing well under the Presidency of Jacob Zuma:

Calling attention to slaughter of white farmers in South Africa is racist | Liberty Unyielding:  What the heck is going on in South Africa? South African President Jacob Zuma was booed by his own people at Nelson Mandela’s memorial and his translator was fake. The same translator, by the way, also did his weird mime when Zuma infamously sung “Shoot theBoer.”

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Teen who killed four people in drunk-driving accident gets probation due to … “affluenza”

Wow, read the whole thing:

Teen who killed four people in drunk-driving accident gets probation due to … “affluenza” « Hot Air:I saw something about “affluenza” on Twitter yesterday and ignored it, assuming it was a portmanteau coined by Salon or Slate for an article about income inequality that the left had collectively decided was clever. Today I googled it and realized why people are talking about it. Friendly advice: If you’re planning on drinking tonight, go ahead and start before you watch the clips. Trust me.

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