Heh, this ought to be interesting:
Reward: $100,000 for Full ‘JournoList’ Archive; Source Fully Protected - Big Journalism: "I’ve had $100,000 burning in my pocket for the last three months and I’d really like to spend it on a worthy cause. So how about this: in the interests of journalistic transparency, and to offer the American public a unique insight in the workings of the Democrat-Media Complex, I’m offering $100,000 for the full “JournoList” archive, source fully protected. Now there’s an offer somebody can’t refuse."
A blog concerning Christianity, the Church, Politics, Current Events, and anything else that strikes my fancy!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
» Obama’s Dilemma: Heavy Leadership Responsibility – Light Leadership Aptitude
Very enlightening read:
» Obama’s Dilemma: Heavy Leadership Responsibility – Light Leadership Aptitude - Big Government: "The president’s recent disappointing oval office speech elicited a chorus of criticism from across the political spectrum. For some reason the speech seems to have put a spotlight on the president as a leader, whereas other misjudgments in which he was directly involved in making policy had not. The oil spill, which was certainly no fault of Mr. Obama, seems to have finally caused the public and many of his cheerleaders among the pundits to focus on the president’s substance and not his style. That has been the unspoken, elephant-in- the-room, concern throughout his presidency, his aptitude for leadership. We are reminded of the lead-in lyrics to the signature song Ethel Merman belts out in Gypsy… “Curtain up…light the lights…you either got it…or you ain’t.”"
» Obama’s Dilemma: Heavy Leadership Responsibility – Light Leadership Aptitude - Big Government: "The president’s recent disappointing oval office speech elicited a chorus of criticism from across the political spectrum. For some reason the speech seems to have put a spotlight on the president as a leader, whereas other misjudgments in which he was directly involved in making policy had not. The oil spill, which was certainly no fault of Mr. Obama, seems to have finally caused the public and many of his cheerleaders among the pundits to focus on the president’s substance and not his style. That has been the unspoken, elephant-in- the-room, concern throughout his presidency, his aptitude for leadership. We are reminded of the lead-in lyrics to the signature song Ethel Merman belts out in Gypsy… “Curtain up…light the lights…you either got it…or you ain’t.”"
Inside the Black Panther Case
This isn't good:
ADAMS: Inside the Black Panther case - Washington Times

ADAMS: Inside the Black Panther case - Washington Times
On the day President Obama was elected, armed men wearing the black berets and jackboots of the New Black Panther Party were stationed at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia. They brandished a weapon and intimidated voters and poll watchers. After the election, the Justice Department brought a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and those armed thugs. I and other Justice attorneys diligently pursued the case and obtained an entry of default after the defendants ignored the charges. Before a final judgment could be entered in May 2009, our superiors ordered us to dismiss the case.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Christian Professor in Pakistan Beaten for Refusing to Convert to Islam
The religion of tolerance:
Psychology professor Samuel John, a father of four who has been teaching at the university in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province for 12 years, said that as he came out of his house on the university campus at 8:30 a.m. on June 14, about 20 to 25 students rushed and assaulted him.
“I shouted for help, but no one came to help,” he said."
Power Line - How Unpopular is the Obama Administration?
This is a good point:
I suspect, however, that those numbers actually overstate the popularity of the Obama administration. Many voters are reluctant to give up on a president they voted for, and, knowing that we are stuck with Obama until 2013, some prefer not to admit how poorly they think our president is doing. Further, Obama continues to enjoy a near-unanimous approval among African-Americans that probably reflects understandable loyalty as much as real satisfaction with the administration's policies."
COMMENT OF THE DAY: A reason for the “wealth or income gap”
People who get an education, stay off of drugs, apply themselves, and save and wisely invest their earnings do a lot better than people who drop out of school, become substance abusers, and buy fancy cars and houses that they can’t afford, only to lose them.
We don’t have an income gap. We have a stupid gap."
Studied - College Students Are Found to Have Less Empathy
Not surprising but still very disturbing:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Keynesian Dead End
This is a tough lesson to learn:
Michael Yon invited by Brits and US to embed again
This is good news:
Friday, June 25, 2010
Barack Obama is refusing to listen to reason on economic policy
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Double-Dip Recession Fears Putting Scare Back in Market
I hope this is wrong:
But some analysts see things even worse, and comparisons to the economy of 1930 are getting increasingly common.
Zimmerman said the stock market drops and rallies are much like those after the 1929 crash, and the economy was showing many of the same tendencies during both time periods, with diminishing commodity and rail car loadings figures signaling the impending full-fledged Depression much like prices are trending currently."
Peak oil postponed again
This is good news:
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Cops arrest Christians for handing out gospel at Dearborn Arab festival? Update: Pushback
Five Years After Kelo: The Sweeping Backlash Against One of the Supreme Court’s Most-Despised Decisions
Let the back lash continue:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Remembering Operation Barbarossa
Remembering some of the largest battles of all time:
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Agony of the Liberals
We can only hope conservatism is on the rise:
In this environment, the rage against Obama for not doing more, now, faster, becomes at least somewhat understandable. It’s not that he hasn’t done a great deal for liberals during his 18 months in office. It’s that liberalism itself may be running out of time."
Friends of Israel Initiative
Some good points are made here:
The Friends of Israel have joined together in a new international initiative on the basis of the following convictions:"
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Court Grants Motion - Pastor Allowed to Distribute Christian Literature to Muslims
Good. HT: Ken
The Sixth Circuit’s ruling followed a June 7, 2010, decision by federal District Court Judge Paul D. Borman that sustained the City of Dearborn’s policy of prohibiting Pastor Saieg from distributing his religious material near the festival."
A wizard's words finally set free
Absolutely fascinating:
Friday, June 18, 2010
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Gallup: Majority Say Obama Doesn't Deserve Re-Election
Still a long way to 2012 but this doesn't look good:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
American Thinker: A Shrink Asks: What's Wrong with Obama?
Very interesting. HT: Glenn
Even some liberals are starting to wonder. James Carville railed about Obama's blase attitude after the catastrophic oil spill. The New York Times' Maureen Dowd revamped Obama's 'Yes We Can' motto into 'Will We Ever?'"
Crude Politics - WSJ.com
Hmmm... HT: Ken
As these columns reported last week, the opposite is true. In a scathing document, eight of the 'experts' the Administration listed in its report said their names had been 'used' to 'justify' a 'political decision.' The draft they reviewed had not included a six-month drilling moratorium. The Administration added that provision only after it had secured sign-off. In their document, the eight forcefully rejected a moratorium, which they argued could prove more economically devastating than the oil spill itself and 'counterproductive' to 'safety.'"
Muslims Order Christians to Leave Village in Pakistan
Abdul Sattar Khan, head of village No. 123/10R, Katcha Khoh, and other area Muslim residents ordered the expulsions after Christian residents objected too strenuously to sexual assaults by Muslims on Christian girls and women, said a locally elected Christian official, Emmanuel Masih."
If Israel goes down, we all go down
This is from the former PM of Spain. Good for him:
In an ideal world, the assault by Israeli commandos on the Mavi Marmara would not have ended up with nine dead and a score wounded. In an ideal world, the soldiers would have been peacefully welcomed on to the ship. In an ideal world, no state, let alone a recent ally of Israel such as Turkey, would have sponsored and organised a flotilla whose sole purpose was to create an impossible situation for Israel: making it choose between giving up its security policy and the naval blockade, or risking the wrath of the world."
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Obama Oil Spill Speech Reax: Epic Fail
Nice round up to the reactions of Obama's speech. Bottom line, he whiffed:
Monday, June 14, 2010
Long Road to Adulthood Is Growing Even Longer
I've seen this as a trend for some time:
Social Security cash flow suddenly negative
This is scary:
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Obama and the Media - Isn’t It Ironic? - NYTimes.com
This is Maureen Dowd?
The 21st-century press beast is a scary multimedia monster, caught up in the trite as well as the vital, and reporters rarely can be as contemplative as the cerebral Obama would like."
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
‘Unapologetic bear’ says the worst of current economic woes are far from over
I hope he's wrong, but...
Obama White House cavalier toward technology policies aimed at preventing abuses of Presidential Records Act
I suppose some would think this is surprising:
But a Daily Caller investigation reveals a cavalier attitude at the Obama White House toward longstanding safeguards designed to prevent abuses of the Presidential Records Act and other laws – including acts that carry serious legal implications."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Well this is a big bummer:
After years of hearing how home prices are plummeting and foreclosures are mounting, consumers want to feel hopeful about the housing market — but maybe they're being too optimistic.
In a presentation to the National Association of Real Estate Editors in Austin, Texas, last week, Stan Humphries, Zillow.com's chief economist, pointed to four myths he said consumers are latching on to as they try to make sense of recent housing statistics.
The four myths:
ACORN employees tell FBI of deliberate election fraud, according to new documents
I'm not surprised:
The documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group, are FBI investigators’ reports related to the 2007 investigation and arrest of eight St. Louis, Mo., workers from ACORN’s Project Vote affiliate for violation of election laws. All eight employees involved in the scandal later pleaded guilty to voter registration fraud."
Saberpoint: Rabbi Who Taped Helen Thomas Is Inundated With Hate Mail and Death Threats
Good grief, this just goes to show that anti-semitism is alive and well:
Now Rabbi Nesenoff is the recipient of torrents of hateful bile from anti-semites and Islam-Firsters who are outraged that Jews should be allowed to exist."
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
The Alien in the White House
Very interesting:
There should have been nothing puzzling about his response to anyone who has paid even modest critical attention to Mr. Obama's pronouncements. For it was clear from the first that this president—single-minded, ever-visible, confident in his program for a reformed America saved from darkness by his arrival—was wanting in certain qualities citizens have until now taken for granted in their presidents. Namely, a tone and presence that said: This is the Americans' leader, a man of them, for them, the nation's voice and champion. Mr. Obama wasn't lacking in concern about the oil spill. What he lacked was that voice—and for good reason."
Monday, June 07, 2010
Pols turn on labor unions
I don't see this as a bad thing:
Unlike past battles over the high cost of labor, this time pitched battles over wages and pensions are being waged from Sacramento to Springfield to New York City and the conflict is marked by its bipartisan tone, with public employee unions emerging as an intransigent public enemy number one in cities and state capitals across the country."
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Aging Baby Boomers and the Generational Housing Bubble:
Long, but interesting:
Glenn Reynolds: Higher education's bubble is about to burst
Good advice, not all college degrees are created equal:
Consumers would balk, except for two things.
First -- as with the housing bubble -- cheap and readily available credit has let people borrow to finance education. They're willing to do so because of (1) consumer ignorance, as students (and, often, their parents) don't fully grasp just how harsh the impact of student loan payments will be after graduation; and (2) a belief that, whatever the cost, a college education is a necessary ticket to future prosperity.
Bubbles burst when there are no longer enough excessively optimistic and ignorant folks to fuel them. And there are signs that this is beginning to happen already."
Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack
McCartney's banalities were an example of a transatlantic dissonance that is all too apparent these days. Whereas Europe is stuck in November 2008 and still hopelessly in love with Obama, Americans have got over the historic symbolism of it all and are now moving on as they live with the reality."
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Political problems converging on Obama White House all at once
Obama's horrible, terrible very bad week:
Perhaps he spoke too soon.
While his first year and a half may have been challenging on a policy level, the president is now facing political problems that have thrown his administration completely off message and are likely to inflict lasting damage on him and his reputation as both a political reformer who represents a new kind of politics and as a competent manager of the government.
Everything seems to be converging at once this week."
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Who In the MSM Will Stand Up For Michael Yon?
Yon really has been the must read for unbiased coverage of the wars:
Let the administration boot Helen Thomas out of her seat in the front of a White House press conference and there would be outrage. Remove Jonathan Karl from the Capitol and media would revolt. Kick Andrea Kremer off Sunday Night Football and there would be pandemonium."
Israel was right to board the Gaza flotilla - The Daily Beast
Yep, and it's good to see this article in the Daily Beast which is not known for its conservative views:
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Moynihan’s Message - NYTimes.com
I had never heard of this report:
It proved enormously controversial and established its author’s reputation as an iconoclast, yet today the Moynihan Report is largely forgotten. Sadly, its predictions about the decline of the black family have proven largely correct."
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